Late break abstracts

Late break abstract submissions are now CLOSED.

Purpose: to provide an opportunity to present the most recent, impactful research not available at the time the general abstract submissions closed.

Key dates:

  • Late breaking abstract portal opens on 12 August 2024
  • Late breaking abstract submissions close on 5 September 2024
  • Applicants notified of late breaking abstract submission outcomes on 1 October 2024

Presentation types: Abstracts for both oral and poster presentations are welcome. We will have a dedicated Late Breaking Oral Session for the SIX highest ranked abstracts received. ALL late breaking abstract presenters (presenting authors of either oral or poster abstracts accepted) will be automatically guaranteed the Early Bird Registration rate, which otherwise closes on 30 August 2024.

Eligibility: Late breaking abstract submissions are not intended to be an extension of the general abstract submissions, rather they are reserved for submissions covering research results that became available in recent months. Applicants will need to confirm that a late breaking abstract submission is NOT the same as a previous submission. Late breaking abstracts should contain new information with results that were not available at the time of the regular abstracts submission deadline.

*Presenting authors who already have an accepted oral or poster presentation in the Congress are not eligible to apply for an ORAL presentation in the late breaking abstract call* Additional poster presentations that are sufficiently different from already accepted abstracts are acceptable.

Selection process: Late breaking abstract submissions will be assessed using the same criteria as the general call and may be rejected if the judges perceive an overlap with an already accepted poster or oral presentation.

Student prizes and travel support: ASCEPT and APSA student members may still apply for travel support and student poster prizes during the late breaking abstract round.

1. Requirements for preparation of abstracts
Abstracts submitted for scientific sessions should describe work that has not been published or presented at another national meeting. The selection of contributions for scientific sessions will depend on the quality of the abstract submitted.

2. Title box
Use sentence case, bold, Calibri font 10 point, maximum of 12 words. Concisely encapsulate the work presented in the abstract. Sentence case is when you only capitalise the first letter of the first word in a heading – like you would in a sentence. Proper nouns also have a capital.

3. Authors
Starting on a new line, without a line-space to the Title, list the Presenting Author first, followed by other authors and contact details entered as directed in the template. Use a mixture of upper and lower case text, e.g., Geoffrey A Harrison, Peter L McCartney & James H Lennon. Do not use ‘bold’ or ‘underline’.

4. Addresses
Follow the authors’ address details immediately after the names (ie., do not start a new line). Author’s department and institution should be abbreviated. Superscript numbers should be used to link the author(s) to their address(es) presented (e.g. Geoffrey A Harrison1, Peter L McCartney1,2. Dept of Pharmacol, Univ of Melbourne1, Parkville, VIC; Dept of Clin Pharmacol, Royal Melbourne Hosp2, Parkville, VIC).

5. Text
Leave one line space after the Authors/addresses. Do not indent. Type as one block of text and include sub-headings: Introduction, Aims, Methods, Results and Discussion (including any conclusions drawn from results). Start each heading on a new line with text immediately following heading and without additional line spacing. If any references are added, include one additional line spacing following the abstract text (see sample of references below). The abstract should be left-and right-justified. The text should be as informative as possible. Statements such as “The results will be discussed” are not acceptable and will likely result in rejection.

6. Units
Concentration – use either molar or mass units as most appropriate: nmol/L, μmol/L, mmol/L, etc.; or: ng/L, µg/L, mg/L, etc.
Dose – use mg/kg, or mmol/kg, etc.
Dose schedules – use mg/kg per day, or mmol/kg per day etc.
Pressure – may be in mmHg, psi, Pascal, or Torr, etc, as appropriate.
Tension – may be in “g”, etc.

7. Anaesthetic
If an anaesthetic is used, it must be named along with the dose and route of administration.

8. Figures and tables
One figure or table is allowed per abstract; these should not contain a separate written title or legend, and the table should not contain any vertical lines. PARTICULAR EMPHASIS SHOULD BE PLACED ON CLARITY AND ABSTRACT FORMAT. ANY ERRORS IN THE ABSTRACT MAY LEAD TO REJECTION. Abstracts will be printed in black and white only, therefore it is preferrable that you use greyscale images.

9. Statistics
Use the format: mean±SEM (n= ; P<) e.g. 57±3 (n = 7, P<0.02). If ± is used to indicate anything other than a standard error, e.g., a range or standard deviation, this should be specified in the abstract. Where appropriate, authors should ensure consistency in the number of decimal places used.

10. References
In the text, citations should appear as first author plus et al (if multiple authors) followed by year (eg., Medic et al, 2010). The listed references after the text of the abstract are to be shown in alphabetical order of first author. They should include authors’ last names followed by initials (use “et al” for three or more authors), year of publication (in brackets), the title of the journal (abbreviated in accordance with Index Medicus), volume number, and the first and last page numbers. References to articles in books should consist of the names of authors, year of publication, title of the book, the editors, page numbers, place of publication and the publishers. Example: Jagger MS et al (2010) Br J Clin Pharmacol 33:56-61.

11. Standard abbreviations
Excessive use of abbreviations should be avoided. All abbreviations should be defined when they are first used, except for the following standard abbreviations:
Acetylcholine Ach
Adrenaline Ad
G-aminobutyric acid GABA
Area under curve AUC
Blood Pressure BP
Bovine serum albumin BSA
Cardiovascular system CVS
Celsius oC
Central nervous system CNS
Clearance CL
Confidence interval CI
Correlation coefficient r
Dalton Da
Degrees of freedom d.f.
Deoxyribonucleic acid DNA
Diameter, inside i.d.
Diameter outside o.d.
Enzyme linked immunosorbent assay ELISA
Gas chromatography-mass spectroscopy GCMS
Gas-liquid chromatography GLC
Glomerular filtration rate GFR
Gram g
Half life t1/2
Hertz Hz
High performance liquid chromatography HPLC
Hour(s) h
5-hydroxytryptamine 5HT
Inhibitory constant Ki
International unit iu
Intra-arterial ia
Intracerebroventricular icv
Intraperitoneal ip
Intravenous iv
Liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry LC-MS
Litre L
Mass Spectrometry MS
Metre m
Michaelis constant Km
Minute min
Molar concentration M
Noradrenaline NA
Optical rotation (+)(-)
Oral po
Pharmacodynamic PD
Pharmacogenetic/genomic PG
Pharmacokinetic PK
Probability P
Radioimmunoassay RIA
Radiolabel (e.g. tritium) [3H]
Second s
Standard Deviation SD
Standard Error of the Mean SEM
Single Nucleotide Polymorphism SNP
Subcutaneous sc
Tandem mass spectrometry MSMS
Ultraviolet uv
Volume of Distribution V

Oral presentations – 10 minutes duration with 5 minutes for questions
Poster presentations – posters will be on display with authors in attendance at a specified day/time

• Cardiovascular
• Clinical Pharmacology Trainee
• Drug Disposition and Response
• Innovation and Industry
• Neuropharmacology
• Pharmacoepidemiology
• Pharmacy Practice
• Toxicology
• Urogenital and Gastrointestinal
• Clinical Pharmacology
• Drug Discovery
• Education
• Medicines for Tropical Disease
• Pharmaceutical Science
• Pharmacogenomics
• Respiratory and Inflammation
• Traditional Medicines

· Abstract title must not exceed 12 words.
· Abstracts must be submitted via the online abstract submission site.
· Abstracts must be submitted on the A5 word template.
· Do not change the page margins or any set up features.
· The abstract must fit within the space on the template provided (no specific word limit). This includes a figure or table, title, authors and any references.
· The abstract must be one page only.
· The abstract should be typed in 10 point Calibri font (do not use “bold” type)
· All text, including the heading, should be entered in sentence case (do not type in CAPITAL LETTERS)

All submitted abstracts will be reviewed by at least 3 reviewers.

In evaluating each abstract, reviewers will be unaware of authors or institutions involved with the work described in the abstract. (Abstracts will be suitably anonymised by the program secretariat before being sent out to reviewers).

The Program Committee will assign accepted abstracts either to oral or poster presentation, and the reviewers’ decision is final.

The Organising Committee reserves the right to accept or decline any submissions and to select the presentation format.

Presenting authors will be notified of their acceptance status on Tuesday 1 October 2024 and must inform any co-author(s).